Citrus Zinger Recipes
Citrus Zinger Recipes and Citrus/Fruit Infusions
Infusing fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc... in water has its roots in Spanish cuisine and is commonly referred to as aguas frescas. The flavor is light and fresh, but not quite as heavy as a juice, and not as plain as water, either.
A single fruit flavor or complimentary fruit flavors can be refreshing, but if you want to be more adventurous with your flavors, try adding in an herb such as mint. There are no rules against sweetening your water with sugar, honey or agave nectar, if you so desire.
Let your imagination be your guide. Enjoy!
Below are samples of ingredients that can be used to formulate your next Citrus Zinger creation!
Citrus Zinger Recipes for Water
Lemon - Orange
One half lemon (or whole - based on preference)
One half Clementine
Lime n' Honey
One whole lime
Table spoon of honey
Shake well
Lemon Cucumber
One half lemon
A chunk of cucumber (pre-add to main body of vessel)
Grapefruit Mint
One half grapefruit
Mint leaves
Cold Water
Orange Lemon & Green Apple
One half clementine
One half lemon
Slices of green apple (pre-add to main body of vessel)
Cold water